LHC Report: The shutdown work nearing completion
The work planned for the LHC injector chain during the winter shutdown is nearing completion. The PS Booster (PSB) and PS will be closed to access next week, and the control of machine access will be transferred to the CERN Control Centre in preparation for the resumption of machine operation. Hardware tests are being performed in all the machines.
The technical teams are putting the finishing touches to the work planned for the winter shutdown. At the Linac2, the PS Booster and the PS, work will be completed next week and hardware tests will be carried out soon after. POPS, the new powering system for the PS, will be commissioned for the first time in the coming days after the necessary preliminary tests have been carried out.
At the SPS, various magnets have been replaced over recent weeks and the performance tests on the main power supply and other hardware tests will be able to start shortly. After that, the machine will be ready for operation with beams again.
The extensive activities in the LHC are progressing very well: maintenance work and inspections essential for reliable operation, on top of the consolidation and upgrade activities that got under way in previous weeks and are needed to improve the performance of the machine, have almost been completed.
As planned, all the activities in the tunnel will be finished by 4 February. 75% of the machine is now full of liquid helium, and the first powering tests will start this week in order to qualify the electrical circuits. For personnel safety reasons, these tests will be initially performed during night shifts.